On June 10, 2015, Arizona State University and Banner Health announced a new research alliance to advance the scientific study, treatment and prevention of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other neurodegenerative diseases.
The partnership between Arizona State University, one of the nation’s largest public research universities, and Phoenix-based Banner Health, one of the nation’s largest nonprofit health systems, included the launch of a new Arizona State University-Banner Neurodegenerative Disease Research Center housed at the ASU Biodesign Institute on the university’s Tempe campus.
This effort capitalizes on Banner’s internationally recognized programs in Alzheimer’s disease research and patient care and ASU’s rapid ascension as a world-class research university. It also leverages Banner’s close working relationships with other research organizations in Arizona.
“This extraordinary research alliance will help galvanize the search for answers to degenerative brain diseases,” said ASU President Michael Crow. “This is yet another example of how institutions in Arizona are leading the way for groundbreaking research in age-related diseases. This new effort will be a magnet to attract more researchers, more businesses and more resources to this urgent fight.”
Barring any significant treatment breakthroughs, the number of people affected by Alzheimer’s disease could more than triple to 16 million in the U.S. by 2050, at a health care cost of more than $1.2 trillion annually. Parkinson’s afflicts up to 10 million people worldwide, and an estimated 60,000 Americans are diagnosed with Parkinson’s each year, while thousands of cases go undetected. Other neurodegenerative diseases continue to take a devastating toll on patients and family.
Together, Banner and ASU receive nearly $65 million in current research funding in the neurosciences. That number is expected to rise significantly with the recruitment of new researchers and funding.
Banner Health
Regarded and recognized as a top health system in the country for the clinical quality consistently provided to patients in our hospitals, nonprofit Banner Health is headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona and operates 30 hospitals, including three academic medical centers and other related health entities and services in six states.
We have rapidly evolved from a health system of hospitals to a fully integrated system that includes significantly expanded services through Banner Health Network, Banner Medical Group and, in 2015, with Banner – University Medicine.
With more than 1 million members currently served by the Banner Health’s provider networks, Banner has demonstrated the ability to effectively manage the health and wellness of populations of insured members in both government and private plans.
For more information on Banner Health, please click here.
ASU Biodesign Institute
The Biodesign Institute at Arizona State University delivers the future of nature-inspired scientific innovation today for the betterment of human health, community safety and global sustainability. Its transdisciplinary scientists are united in discovering bold solutions that directly benefit the health of our ecosystem. From individuals, to communities, to the planet, we focus on benefiting the overall health of life by turning our discoveries into technologies that are resilient, adaptive and deployable now and into the future.
For more information on ASU Biodesign Institute, please click here.
2018 ASU-Biodesign Neuroscience Scholars generously sponsored by the
Robert E. Schneider Foundation