I am graduating this year. Am I still eligible?
You must be 18 years old and be enrolled as a full-time college/university student during the next academic year. For example, a student graduating in spring 2024 who will enroll in college or graduate school in fall 2024 is eligible. A student graduating this semester and not enrolling in additional classes or graduate school is not eligible.
I have a trip planned during the internship. Am I still eligible?
Scheduling is usually flexible. Each student must negotiate their schedule with their mentor; however, missing more than one week of the program is not advisable. Symposium attendance is mandatory.
How do I submit my application?
The application is electronic. Mailed or e-mailed applications, transcripts or resumes(or any part thereof) will not be accepted. Please view Application Instructions for more information.
For information on recommendation letter submission, please refer to the Tips for Applicants and Tips for References.
Are letters of recommendation due by the application deadline?
Yes. Recommendation letters must be received by the time the application closes. It is up to the applicant to ensure references submit letters before the deadline. Mailed application and/or copies or e-mail attachments will not be accepted in lieu of the electronic submission process outlined in the application instructions. The deadline is 11:59 p.m. MST time on March 1, 2024. Applications are not considered complete if recommendation letters are not submitted by due date.
How will I be notified of the decision on my application?
Selected applicants will be notified by email and will have three days to accept the offer. If offer is not accepted within the allotted timeframe it will be given to the next available applicant on the waiting list. Notifications are emailed throughout the spring as the candidate pool proceeds through the selection process. You may receive a notification as late as early May. Should a potential mentor-scientist want to interview you, you will be contacted by e-mail or phone. Interviews are conducted from March to April each year.
What should I write about in my personal statement?
Please refer to Tips for Applicants.
What tips and suggestions do you have for references and letters of recommendation?
For detailed instructions on acquiring letters of recommendation, please refer to the Tips for Applicants and Tips for References.
One recommendation letter must come from a teacher or professor (any subject). The second letter can come from a teacher/professor, coach, counselor, religious leader, employer, or supervisor from an extracurricular activity, etc. Letters should not come from friends, parents, peers, relatives or Banner Health, ASU or ASU – Biodesign employees. For tips on choosing references, please refer to Tips for Applicants.
How does the selection process work?
Please refer to Selection Process.
Will I get to intern in the specific research areas I am interested in?
Every effort will be made to match you to your preference, but it is not guaranteed.
I would like feedback on my application to make myself more competitive for next year. Who can I talk to about this?
We are not able to provide application feedback. All materials submitted by the applicant and their references and all materials generated during the review process (i.e. committee and reviewer notes, etc.) become the confidential property of Banner Research and ASU.
What does a typical trainee schedule look like?
Working hours are somewhat flexible but a full-time commitment is expected. You should plan on working a minimum of 32 hours per week to complete the program. Most students work 40 hours per week (Monday-Friday) from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Is this a paid training program?
Yes. Students who are selected receive a stipend of up to $4,000 after satisfactory completion of the entire eight-week training program. Training program student stipends have been generously provided by the Robert E. Schneider Foundation and Banner Health Foundation.
No scholar may work more than 40 hours in a week or more than 320 hours in total. The stipend is subject to state and federal taxes.
Will I receive benefits like health insurance or vacation days?
No. This training program is temporary and not eligible for benefits.
Where does the program take place?
Training opportunities are available in the laboratories and clinics of the institutes that comprise Banner Research and the Biodesign Institute and associated labs at Arizona State University, located in the Greater Phoenix Area. Basic and Translational Neuroscience is performed at Arizona State University’s Biodesign Institute and associated labs in Tempe; Computational Image Analysis is performed at the Banner Alzheimer’s Institute in Phoenix; and training for the Brain and Body Donation Program and Healthy Aging Research is performed at the Banner Sun Health Research Institute in Sun City. The Clinical Neurodegenerative Research track will be completed at Banner Sun Health Research Institute as well.
Is summer housing provided to trainees?
No. Banner Research and ASU are unable to provide housing or housing assistance for the summer training program. All trainees must secure their own housing.
What are my chances of receiving a position in the Program?
Like many research training programs, the Banner-ASU Neuroscience Scholars program is highly selective. Applicants with a competitive application have the best chance of being offered an interview and, subsequently, a position in the program.
Do I need to submit an official transcript?
Unofficial transcripts will be accepted as long as they bear the school seal and are on a University Registrars’ letterhead. Printed online unofficial transcripts will not be accepted.
Are scholarships available for the program?
Banner Alzheimer’s Institute and Women Inspiring Scientific Progress has provided one scholarship which consists of room and board for a female scholar accepted into the summer program. Please indicate on your application if you would like to be considered for this scholarship.
Banner Health Foundation has provided one scholarship to a Kansas City resident for travel and living expenses. Please indicate on your application if you would like to be considered for this scholarship.
If you have additional questions regarding the WISP scholarship, please contact Parichita Choudhury, [email protected].